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Happy Thanksgiving (and a special offer!)

Shonda Moralis

One thing I learned from penning my first book is that as much as I relish writing, it can also be uncomfortably sloooowwww and time-consuming. And the creative process itself is not the only thing that is painful — there’s no tactful way to say it other than, after hours upon hours seated at the desk to write, my butt is killing me.

So when the exciting news of a second book deal came through, a walking desk was top priority on my list. With a second-hand treadmill (thanks, Mom!), some muscle and brawn to transport it (thanks, Ted and Erik!), and my husband’s ingenuity, the new writing space was born. (Not only is my husband handy and creative, but if you’ve read Breathe Mama Breathe you know he is a fantastic cook as well – lucky me!)

I walk at a thirty-minute-mile snail’s pace. However, whenever I step on that treadmill and start rolling, an hour passes in the blink of an eye. I highly recommend it. So, this is precisely where you can find me nearly every day of the week — hard at work on Breathe, Empower, Achieve: 5-Minute Mindfulness to Ditch the Stress without Losing Your Edge.

And since it is almost Thanksgiving and not too early to think holiday shopping, I wanted to share a special offer running this week only:

Breathe, Mama, Breathe: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Busy Moms is 25% off now through 11/28

when you use code EXPERIMENT18 on!

Every mama on your holiday list will love this book Parent’s Magazine called a “Mom Must-Read.”

Finally, I am holding some special people in my heart right now.

Wishing you and your loved ones health, peace, and togetherness.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.


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Shonda Moralis, MSW, LCSW


Lehigh Valley, PA 

© 2025 Shonda Moralis, MSW, LCSW

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