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One Mindful Tribe: Q&A with Barbara Berger

Shonda Moralis

Grab a cup of tea, read on, and learn from this wise, inspiring woman.

The lowdown:

Barbara Berger, CPC, CCC– Certified Career Coach and Founder of Career Wellness Partners, is a certified career coach and former hiring manager who helps individuals improve career self-awareness, navigate career transition, and create more meaningful and genuine work lives. She has a private coaching practice in Allentown but works with people all over the country. She also speaks about how companies can support the career development goals of employees while maintaining focus on operational objectives – the perfect recipe for recruiting, developing, and retaining top talent.

What does the word empower mean to you?

To give permission to be powerful. To give permission to be great. To be brave. To be who we are. We don’t need permission, though, to embrace our uniqueness and our greatness. We do, sometimes, need reminders and so the word empower, to me, is about reminding ourselves and others of our right to be our most genuine and powerful selves.

In what way(s) do you empower yourself? Others?

I help people who are in career transition, or who are considering a career change, find self-awareness, confidence, and new, empowering ways to tell their career story to themselves and others. My mission is to help people regain their power during what is a universally vulnerable and uncertain time. Their transformation empowers me to keep learning and growing as a coach.

What is your favorite way to be mindful?

Auditory signals, for some reason, provide my favorite and most natural reminders to be present. Sounds of nature or even sounds of the refrigerator humming can provide the cue for a mindful moment. Mindfulness is an important part of my coaching practice because, in terms of career development, the value of cultivating present moment awareness provides critical clues to finding career wellness.

What’s your go-to phrase/mantra for empowering yourself?

It’s a line from the movie Pretty Woman. Vivian says to Edward: “Baby, I’m gonna treat you so nice, you’re never gonna wanna let me go.” Edward replies: “Three thousand, for six days, and Vivian, I will let you go.” Vivian says; “But I’m here now!!”

“But I’m here now!” Reminding me that this moment is all we have. I’m here. Now.

Who are your role models/people you look up to?

I suppose I could give a more PC answer, but I have a picture of Howard Stern in my home office. He transformed an industry because he trusted his vision. It wasn’t just a minor disruption either. It was a disruption that hinged on controversial topics and language that made folks cringe. Love him or hate him, he had the audacity to believe in his purpose and forge ahead regardless of the naysayers and the hate mail. More importantly – my mom and dad. My mom taught me to make my own happiness. My dad taught me to be audacious.

What are your strengths?

I love human connection. It’s a sacred thing. It took me a long time to acknowledge that empowering and supporting others, helping people see their gifts, and giving them permission to feel good about themselves and embrace their personal power is a strength. We measure so much by tangible skills. Optimism isn’t something you can quantify, but you know it when you are around it. I get it from my mom and I’m grateful for it.

How do you deal with fear?

I am learning to use it as fuel.

What is one of the most valuable lessons you have learned from motherhood?

Being a mom is my purpose on earth – everything else pales in comparison.

Thank you, Barbara, for taking the time to share your wisdom with us!


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One Mindful Tribe: Empowered Women’s Leadership for Business and Home

Through my mindfulness work with women — moms in the trenches with little ones, leaders in the business world, artists honing their crafts — I have come to appreciate that we all share similar struggles regardless of life phase or occupation. We all profit from mindful awareness, learning to be authentic, empowering ourselves and our voices, and uncovering the power to lead. Whether managing a corporation or a household, mindful leadership teaches us how to be the best possible version of ourselves — benefitting our families, our businesses, and the world.

One Mindful Tribe: Because we are all in it together.


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Shonda Moralis, MSW, LCSW


Lehigh Valley, PA 

© 2025 Shonda Moralis, MSW, LCSW

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