As a big Thank You for pre-ordering* your copy(ies) of Breathe, Empower, Achieve: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Women Who Do It All
I have created The Empowered Women Video Interviews just for you.
All of these amazing women in one place! Here’s a sneak peek:
Anne Alexander Editor of Mindful Magazine; Brand & Business Builder; Strategic Leader in Content & Design; Digital Executive; NYT Bestselling Author; Consultant
We covered so much in this short interview! Anne shares practical ways she faces her biggest challenge—offering herself permission to express the full range of her talents and gifts (to which most of us can relate). Chock full of wisdom and infectious energy, you don’t want to miss it! https://www.soulcandy.com/ and https://www.mindful.org/
Tara-Nicholle Nelson Transformation Expert; SoulTour CEO; Author of The Transformational Consumer; Formerly at MyFitnessPal, Lightspeed, Trulia.
Tara-Nicholle’s vibrant, positive energy practically leaps off the screen in this interview. Tara shares what she is currently working on that thrills her the most, how she deliberately creates beauty all around her, and lets us in on her daily early morning ritual that sets her up for achieving her dreams. https://www.taranicholle.com/ and https://soultour.com/
Georgie Abay Founder/Editor at The Grace Tales/GRACE magazine; Former editor of Australian Vogue
Authentic and as down-to-earth as they come, Georgie gets real about what empowerment means to her, her perspective on “failure,” and how she works to cultivate balance with a full life. Listening in to our interview you will feel like you are hanging out with one of your besties who really gets it. https://thegracetales.com/
Veronica Moore Founder of Alma and Eva; Strategic Thinker; Trainer; Educator; Entrepreneur
Veronica has a talent for creating a safe, authentic space for women to connect—both IRL and virtually. In this heart-felt interview, Veronica shares how she has used her painful experience with childhood bullying for good, how she found the courage to overcome her fear of public speaking, and what the acronym F.E.A.R. means to her. https://www.almaandeva.com/
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